Dear Joellen:
The picture of the group as you arrived in Wellesley was very good. All the girls were
carrying overnight cases except you. Where was yours?
We got to the "Paper Inn" again last Sunday. It was another nice day and we took all the
family. I never saw so many people there. Your mother is very busy this week and is going
around in circles. Tuesday was bad & Friday going to be. On top of everything else the little
girls go to a birthday party and your mother one of the hostesses of the dancing club on Friday.
You know what that means - decorations & food.
We had a little drizzly rain yesterday - the most rain we have had in two months. A little
grass is growing in our new lawn - where the eaves empty or in a low spot - that is all so far.
Your Grandfather has driven north this P.M. to try to find a pheasant. Tomorrow they go up
to the Mondo Flowage again. They had to miss a few days on account of fires. They started but
had to turn back this side of Spencer as they couldn't see or breathe. It was a swamp peat fire.
I am reading a book about Boston. It's name is "Boston, Sound, Flavor and Inflection." He
(the author) wasn't born in Boston, but lives there. From what he says Boston is cold & lots of
When you get home for your vacation I will borrow the book again.
Well, I must close as we are going downtown to shop, such a bother.
Lots of love
Thursday Feb. 17, 1949
Dear Joellen:
I am writing just a line as I sent a box of brownies. It was a "Duncan Hines" recipe and at
least they won't break. Everything I've tried of his is rich and this was my first time. I can't
practice on Bapa as he thinks he is allergic to chocolate. Everything around here is about as
usual. Bapa had to get help this A.M. as he slipped off the driveway. We have the jeep to
shovel but it drifts after he leaves. Jill often gets lost but seems to know enough to come back
after dark and scratch on the door. Priscilla tells me she cries in the night - because she has to
sleep in the basement. She likes the bedrooms for sleeping and I guess when she is older they
will let her stay upstairs. I am anxious to hear about your week-end, also your marks. Marbeth
gets good ones but if yours are not quite so good I would much prefer them combined with
some good times. Marks aren't everything. Your mother will probably get a letter today. Your
mother came home from Chicago without finding much that she wanted to buy - no prints - for
the children's dresses. She says there are better ones here and that isn't saying much. They had
a good time anyway.
Aunt Laura & Uncle H. are in Florida and having a wonderful time. I have decided next
year we will go with them or meet them there. I just learned last week that a cousin's son
(California) was at Beloit all last year. This year he staid in Cal. I could at least have had
Hope tell me what he looked like. She may remember him. (Probably a grandson.)
There is a Freshman at Wellesley that Mrs. Florence Connor is always asking about, if you
know her etc. Her name is "Malcolm Walton" and I figure she must be a second cousin of Mary
Belle Connor. I'll try to remember to ask her just who she is. You can look in your directory
and see if there is such a person. I think they live in some southern state.
Carol Mason and children are visiting here and I guess Judy hasn't changed much from what
I hear. The little boy can think of lots of interesting things to do too. At the age of 3 is far too
much interested in all things electric. These modern children!
Student: What questions will you ask in our final examinations?"
Teacher: "Your books are just full of hints."
The Central Ray
* * *
Dear Joellen:
I'll have to write and keep you up with the little news there is, as today Gladays has the "flu"
(temp, and aches - sore throat and everything) and I think your mother went to Woman's club.
Victoria had her "flu" start in Detroit and she was very uncomfortable all the way home and
today is in bed. As Bapa told you, I had it last week but I was lucky once. About the second
day I called Dr. Doege and he said "virus" and gave me some yellow capsules to take. They are
new and did they ever clear that up in a hurry. I felt real good in two days and the awful ache
left an hour after I took the first one. The ten capsules cost $10. They are new and your mother
thought (guessed) it was aureomycin and maybe they were worth the cost.
When we looked out of the window yesterday morning we could see a thick coat of ice
everywhere. In the morning we saw your mother and Bruce come out of the house (bare legs &
slippers) and stay in the garage a long time. Then they came running over to our house to get
our car which was standing outside, coated with ice as Harold was inside. They tried to get the
ice from the windows but couldn't so ran back and managed to start their own car. They got as
far as the Ninas house and the car stalled. Your mother sent Bruce on with some "Good
Samaritans" from 5 St. and went into Ninas to telephone. Mr. N. drove your mother home and
she and your father took our car down to Oak St. While this was all going on Bapa had scraped
the ice off front & back windows. So your father went on down town with your car and your
mother home with ours. We saw the Thomas girl start to walk to H.S. and I think at the rate
she was going it would take some time. Dinah was trying to dig up something and all four feet
slipped out from under her. They had a re-count on the Woodside & Ferenbach ballots &
Woodside won, I think by one or two votes.
Love & good luck
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Jan. 24, 1950
Dear Joellen:
We gook a long trip (3 days) to Miami, Palm Beach etc. We didn't get to Key West, as we
thought it took too much time. Anyway we go over about the same thing, going over the Keys
here. Yesterday we went to "Tarpon Springs" and had a nice day. I am carrying home some
coral and a few shells to the little girls. This resort country is vast (a whole state) and much
more beautiful than I had anticipated. Tonight we go to a "Woman's Club" entertainment that
Marjorie and Pete are dancing in. (This is worse than the one Winston Churchill wrote.) I got a
poor start and couldn't stop. I think Dad & Harry have gone to view some Florida cattle this
The Kirsker children are darling and Marjorie so attractive. The other night we arrived in
time for the bedtime story "Walter". I don't know whether it was her way of reading or the story
but we were all spellbound.
At Tarpon Springs we visited a church to which George Innis had presented a large group of
pictures, I should say paintings (religious in Spirit). He was the son of the Innis that painted
that picture of which I have a copy on my wall. The bird just rising in the air at dawn. Will you
look them up and tell me how good they were. A woman at the church lighted one at a time and
lectured about them. It was very interesting.
I sit on the porch in the sun in a thin dress in perfect comfort. We like Florida and I hope
some day you can come too.
Sunday A.M.
May 7
Dear Joellen:
Thanks so much for the lovely socks and handkerchieves. I shall enjoy using them. My pen
seems to go too fast this A.M. Your parents have just gone to church and we are going over for
dinner. We had that high wind for two days that was quite general over the mid-west. It didn't
do much damage here, tho. Your family lost your back screen & storm door, and the air was
full of dust. The lawns are green at last tho trees are still bare. We will go right into hot
I guess the Kirskers are really coming up this summer. They are a strenuous family, but
interesting. I like them all and the children will have a wonderful time.
The Nelsons have moved into a ranch house. I imagine it is much smaller as Laura said they
might build on a bedroom. Maybe we can't go after all. They are now at 3600 Standish Lane -
Elmwood Dr. Just down the street a few blocks. As neither girl is married yet, I think they
may be a little crowded. I can guess that she wanted to get on one floor. I think it may be the
same ranch house they spoke about so many times before.
Bapa had "flu" last week. He is out and quite well again. Glen Kraus had it days before he
did and is just getting out. They plan to go fishing as soon as they dare.
A new Doctor has moved here and lives in the Pors Apt. we had. They pay $80 rent and heat
it themselves.
I am glad you had a nice week-end and enclose $5 as you must be broke. Don't you want
some of that allowance?
Also enclose a few stamps.
Lots of love
We will see you soon.
Dear Joellen: Saturday
I said I was going to have a letter at Wellesley to greet you but it may not get there at that.
You know I never use the airmail. I haven't seen the children this morning but Bapa says they
were out early. They didn't stay long as it is cold - very. Easter won't see many new bonnets
here, I fear. The night you called we were having a snowstorm - maybe an inch and we have
had at least five in the nights since. It melts off each day. Adler Street was full of water and
those ditches running most of the time! The children were just possessed to play in that ice
water & the mud. I am glad it is frozen today.
Caroline Hartel Allen is back from Hot Springs so Debby has a girl to play with again. If
Patty hadn't been gone the Abbotts wouldn't have had the ink incident. I don't think boy
playmates are any good in the house or out of doors either. Debby says she had to wade
because Donnie told her to. I hope he doesn't tell her to jump in the lake for she probably would
do it.
The bus passes here every half hour now, because Adams Street is terrible. It is absolutely
empty most of the time and the owner of the franchise is trying to get a permit to quit. He is
losing money on every trip. Too bad but no one uses the bus. The election for school board
didn't make us very happy as Mrs. Nesbit & Mr. Woodside lost out and they were our choice.
Mr. Woodside by six votes and he has asked for a re-count.
I am busy on the crochet luncheon set I am making for your Mother's Christmas present. It
isn't particularly fast work. I have two finished. I am making Priscilla two more dresses. I
have already made two since being in Florida - one pink & one blue. The others are a red and
another blue. I brought two ready mades home and neither fitted her at all. I decided my fitting
is better but that isn't saying they are perfect. I think I may make the fifth one. I mean I get the
material now and make it new for school in Sept. I have an idea I want to try out.
We have about 18 cows wading around in the snow and mud at the farm, so we have some
Last night someone had the happy thought of having Patty Allen come over to Abbotts for
dinner. When Dad went over in the evening Gladys and the three girls were playing "old maid"
and having a wonderful time. I am glad you all had such a nice vacation and hope you all reach
your places of residence without troubles. I am anxious to hear about the Washington end of
the trip.
You know Hope Nelson has finished school and is teaching music and playing church organs
in Racine. I'll tell you more about them when I hear as she is applying for something in two
places - one Minneapolis.
Lots of Love,
Marshfield, April 25
Dear Joellen:
It is a long time since I wrote but I had flu and got over that, or so I thought, and then had a
bladder infection and had to take sulfa and drink water till I nearly drowned. I am OK now, I
guess. I read in a story the other day that saying "O.K." is very vulgar. Dear me, I never knew
that and I don't believe it for, custom makes lots of things "Oll Korrect" that never were before.
Besides it was started by a former President of the U.S.A., I think.
News - Today we had a snow flurry - enough said! No green grass yet but I think one warm
sunny day would do the trick. I bought a green figured Bemburg sheer today. It is about so so.
I don't know what happened about Hope or if anything did but I guess her room-mate got the
Mpls. job and haven't heard whether she got the one in Indiana where she applied. She wants to
teach and at the same time get her degree. She has lots of pupils and plays in churches, and is
very busy.
You left a little green wallet in your room & Priscilla had her money in it. It was ripped a
little and she wanted me to mend it but I said I didn't know that you wanted my sewing in it. So
I am writing to see if you want to keep it? I think they should learn to ask before appropriating
the property of others.
I am relieved to learn that you are not going to S.A. Now don't get mad but there are so
many things against going - malaria, and a long trip home alone. There are no roads in that
country and you have to hop by plane from place to place. So many things could happen in a
strange backroad country where you don't know the language, too well. I wouldn't have been
happy at all. Just at first, when I thought you might fly both ways with Ingrid and stay all
summer, I didn't feel quite so worried. But if the plane had to make a forced landing and all
were killed we wouldn't have thought it was worthwhile. You can have a nice trip sometime if
you want to spend that much money and see lots more. If you go to Madison I have a trip in
mind. It is only in my mind so far and depends on several things we aren't sure of now but it
might work out sometime in the next two years.
Anyway you and I might go to Racine. We have been asked many times.
Now it really is snowing hard.
Must close for this time, so "cheerio."
February 24, 1950
Dear Joellen:
This is a nice cold day, below zero.
Dad wanted me to mention the $40 allowance you have coming. If you want it, write and
give us time to get it to you by mail. You might want to go somewhere tho it wouldn't take you
After we got home, someone at the Livestock Exchange said to Bapa "Why didn't you stay
longer? (5 weeks) and Bapa said "Well, I only took a couple of thousand dollars along so when
that was gone, I came home." It is no joke, 2000 wouldn't last long at a hotel.
What magazine carried the bridge quiz? I think I am going to like canasta. We played some
in Florida & Monday at card club.
I meant to describe the old Florida Post Office, Spanish Style. The building was in the
corner of the block with an arcade on two sides. It was about 10 feet wide and the back wall
was all locked P.O. boxes. The 10 wide floor of the arcade was. Then they had places to mail
letters & tables just like inside any P.O. People stood outside writing as the day was warm. If
you want to mail a package or buy stamps you can go inside, tho the door was not in sight from
the place the car was parked. You can do lots of things where it is warm all of the time!
Someone here says they have sand storms that are bad and the sand permeates everything!
Maybe we mentioned the 3200 green benches on the streets. They are always full of people.
There is a wild flower down there that I thought was good looking - the periwinkle. I've always
read about them and never saw one till now. It is more sturdy and stronger than most wild
flowers here, with a small thick leaf. We saw rows of them that had been planted right by the
rails of the track at the St. Pete station. They looked so clean & sturdy! Anne tried to root
some for me to bring home but I had too much to carry.
To change the subject, Mrs. B. says there is a window peeker in the neighborhood. Her son
saw someone and the Wickhams did too. I imagine I can see some tracks in the snow outside of
our west windows that don't seem to go anywhere; Bapa says - just children.
We have some nice parsnips buried under two feet of snow. Guess we will have to mine for
Must close for now.
March 7, 1950
Dear Joellen:
Just a line to tell you the little I know about the picture of "grandmother" and the painter.
Your mother says the picture was painted about 1837. I was told that Mark Hanna, a Cleveland
politician, had this artist come to Cleveland from New York to paint miniatures of his father and
mother. At the same time Grandfather Kelley had him paint the portrait and two miniatures of
himself & grandmother. The min. of Gran, is just like the large painting. Aunt Laura Elizabeth
has the two miniatures. I think the same [Samuel] Lovett Waldo painted many large pictures in
State Capitols and I think there is one in New York. I don't remember the name Sammuel, at any
rate the company didn't go out to Cleveland, probably. They probably worked together on those
large murals. Everyone can't paint miniatures so the Waldo that could is the one you want.
Bertha Kelley borrowed the one of Grandfather Kelley and took it to N.Y. to try to have a copy
made. The artist would copy it for $500 but offered her $1000 for the original. So you see
Aunt Laura's are worth $2000, much more than the large painting.
Of course the original had to be returned as it wasn't hers to sell, but it gave us a line on the
value. That was 20 yrs. ago, or more.
We are having cold one day and a thaw the next. I am all for the thaws. I do hope your
family will be able to go East as planned. It will be a nice vacation for you all.
So far as I know the Nelsons didn't go to Florida. I think I would at least get a card from
Laura, tho I just realize I didn't send her one. They never stay long, I am told.
I have to go to vote today. (Primary). Election is next week.
Lots of Love
P.S. There were two Inness painters (father & son). I think the son is the one who painted the
large pictures in that church. Some were very modern & indistinct - and the idea was explained
and you were supposed to see what the artist had in mind.
Dear Joellen:
We got home last night O.K. Your mother & father met us. We had a big snowstorm and
everything was like fairyland for the last 100 miles. On the way down they couldn't see where
the road was and coming back the plow had been thru and the pavement clear. They are starting
out tomorrow on their trip. I haven't had time to tell her much about our trip yet. We passed
over the Ohio yesterday and I never hope to see so much muddy water again. (As far as you
could see in all directions) and our train skimming along like a boat - with no land in sight. Dad
said he could see a foot of ground - on his side of the train but I couldn't see anything but water
on mine. Much to my surprise we didn't fall in! We had a wonderful trip and got home in good
shape except for Bapa's tooth. We thought it might be ulcerated but Dr. Heaton took some
Xrays and he thinks perhaps it isn't. He is going to work on it Monday.
The only casualty of our trip was Eddie Kohl. He was on the train with no way to get to
Mfld. So Bapa offered him a ride if they hadn't brought too many along to meet us. He said he
would go to the door of the train & see when we got to Babcock. Well, he was in the Wis.
Rapids car and came to that door. Your mother was by our car & your father walked down &
saw Eddie & your father, knowing nothing about our plans, when Eddie asked him if there was
room, he said, "Gee, I don't believe so." After he was invited, that was too bad! He went on to
Wis. Rapids. I thought if he rode with us I could ask him to keep in mind the kind of dress I
wanted and get me on approval next time he went down to buy. Now I'll never get one.
We really had a wonderful vacation and covered a lot of ground. I went to a bridge and
canasta lecture, a Woman's Club play (where Marjorie danced) and to dinner in two Yacht
Clubs. We took a trip to Miami, Palm Beach & Fort Lauderdale, then to Lake Wales & were
too late for "Bok" Tower. They have wonderful concerts there and they got us there the wrong
day so we planned to go again but didn't make it. We took a trip to Sarasota and I loved the
tropical gardens & birds. Then we went to Tarpon Springs where they get the sponges. The
divers are all Greek and the town all Greek too. The waitresses in the restaurant were pretty
Greek girls. I didn't like the food!
We went to Tampa and ate at a very old Spanish restaurant and I didn't like their food either.
We did eat at many wonderful places, tho. At the "Bahama Shores" Yacht Club we paid $2.50
apiece & you eat all you want! You take a plate & help yourself and end where the hot roast
beef & turkey were. Then you can go back & do it over as many times as you like. It was about
9 P.M. when we got thru so Bapa & I were satisfied with one helping. It was wonderful food!
We never got anywhere without being at least two hours late! We had breakfast at 9:30 or 10 -
lunch anywhere from 1:30 to 3:00 and dinner sometimes at 9:00 P.M. At Fort Lauderdale, I
think it was 9:30. I never was sick a minute & not much tired. Were we ever jogged out of the
rut we were in!! We probably will never be the same again! We went to a wonderful inside
swimming pool to see Peter swim & dive. Of course there were other children there but they
didn't count.
Then we went to see Polly take her dancing lesson and that was wonderful to me. Polly is 5
and so were the others and if they don't tap dance soon it won't be the teacher's fault - she was
wonderful! How I wish Prissy could have joined that class. There are advantages in a city that
you never can have here, and when I watched them it almost broke my heart. Of course
Priscilla may never know what she has missed. The three Kirsker children look like super
children, so well fed and healthy looking. They are out of doors and on the beach etc. all the
time and they look it. Up here months of winter coats, snow & ice and no sun. Both children
were sick and had to take penicillin and Priscilla doesn't seem quite over it - but went back to
school this P.M. She is such a dear little child. She was over this morning before I was up and
staid till 11:30. Then she came in after school this P.M. She said she missed us, and I think she
I must come to a close or you will be bored to death so goodbye for now.
We sent you some candy. I hope you got it. I am enclosing a $5 bill. Hope you get it.
Dear Joellen:
We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner and I trust you did too. We had turkey and all that goes
with it plus pear salad, frozen asparagus and cranberry pudding. Today Gramp is out trying to
get a deer. That is all we lack in variety for our game at Xmas time.
We hope Gramp will be in Chicago the week that you get there. He hopes so too but many
things can happen, including colds.
Debby is maybe a little sick, I don't know? he cried in the night and said her bed was falling
down and had some temperature. Today she seems O.K. but your mother is keeping her in bed.
Too bad Santa had to choose today to come to town - at noon too!
Our snow is all gone today and the day is nice and warm, some sunshine. I was going to tell
you about Debby answering the telephone. The girl who called said "Where is your mother?"
and Debby said "In the bathroom" and gave some details. Debby & Rita were bouncing up &
down on the back seat of your car and I asked them to stop & Debby said "Is it your car?" and I
had to admit it wasn't.
About speech, I am reading about Rupert Brooke - an Eng. poet who visited America
before the first World War. He thought N.Y. a very foreign city but Boston was O.K. "They
spoke very good Eng. in Boston" so he said.
I must close after saying nothing for three pages.
Saturday P.M. - Raining
Dear Joellen:
This is the last letter I'll probably write you before you arrive here. I'll tell you first what I
can see from where I sit. The snow has gone and yesterday I heard my first robin. The Station
wagon (Mrs. Baldwin's) stands in your driveway. This is the second time today she has driven
up & tooted. When nothing happens, she gives in. I think your mother went down town to
shop. I gave the cartoons to your mother and she will keep them for you - at least she will try,
tho how anything escapes the mob I don't know. Debby is better and got the cold from Rita.
Why they let her stay with a cold - I don't know. The road to our farm is terrible, we can't get
there. All we get for our taxes is a road and we don't get that!
Your mother probably told you that Mrs. Heaton has taken a turn for the worse. Both
daughters are here and Margaret Atwood is helping nurse. I haven't heard yet today how she is,
but I know she can't live. The question is only how long. I guess they all knew what her
ailment was but didn't tell anyone. It is just what the Clineres told your mother last summer
when they stopped here.
You can send or bring the stockings tho I can't see how you would have room to bring them.
I can use them any time now.
About the writer with the long sentence, I'll get the book and show you when you come
home. Miss Millard has ordered "1066", she said she had intended to get it but it slipped her
mind. A young woman she knows gave two of them for Xmas gifts to friends, so she must have
liked it too. I couldn't read the one word that was the most important in your letter and that was
your bridge authority - We like to keep up to date so get what information you can on the
subject. Is it having wide use in the East - & elsewhere?
Mrs. Parker fell and broke her wrist and I know of two others with broken wrists, all from
ice. Miss Millard fell & hurt her back but is getting over it now.
The town seems to be fairly quiet at the moment. Bapa sends his regards instead of writing.
See you soon.
Lots of Love
Saturday, February 26, 1949
Dear Joellen:
Your letter written from Smith arrived in due time. I did send you a box which I imagine
you didn't get until you got back. I do want the stockings as my rug is just started. It probably
will take me months to make it as it isn't fast work. Right now it is about the size of a dinner
plate. We are having a spell of warmer weather, some mud in places and we are getting out the
seed catalogues! Don't take my letter as a model for paragraphing as I know how but this way I
can make my lines straighter.
I read a book not long ago that I didn't like - by a man who is supposed to be one of the best
present day writers and for 10 or 15 pages he never had a period. I studied it quite a bit and it
still didn't make sense. I am going to ask Miss Millard what she knows about such a freak. I
did that once in a letter to a friend - four pages connected by-and-but also-etc. but mine was
crude. I thought it was funny! - I don't know what that author's idea was. I would like to find
out. It did give it a breathless quality as tho you talked so fast you couldn't stop. Anyway I felt
like opening the furnace door and throwing the book in - if I had a furnace. Bapa went to
Chicago last week, so of course the humidifier leaked and I had to get it fixed. Your Dad is
having them connect it to the sewer. The joker in that is it could leak for a year and we wouldn't
know it.
Your family have gone down town to buy shoes & rubbers, rubbers for Prissy & Debby and
shoes and rubbers for Bruce. I am making bibs for Priscilla's doll as she takes her to the table
and the poor doll had to wear one of hers, so I said I would make sone. Debby doesn't feed her
doll and I have to make her some too. Seems silly to me.
Mrs. Winch is staying with Norman Miller, as you probably know. She gets along fine
except that Norman won't wear his rubbers in the wet. She says his shoes get so stiff he can't
wear them and he can't get more here. I gathered that he is wearing his last pair. Don't mention
it to Marbeth.
Your marks came today and I think they are O.K. You know what the girls told you when
you went. How do they compare with the girls you know or don't they say?
I must close for now.
Lots of Love
How is your money holding out?
May 24, 1949
Dear Joellen:
I am writing in the car at the farm. I decided to get caught up on my letters and so wrote one
to Mabel while taking my noon rest in bed and now this. We came in over a wonderful granite
road right to the gate. I am in the car because it is so cold & the sun warms the car. The wind is
horribly cold so one is glad to get inside of any shelter. I had just received a letter from Mabel
asking me if I wasn't able to write, just like you. I called her attention to the fact that it is
garden planting time. Everyone gives me something to plant and I can't do it all. I have Peter
two hours at a time and the time flies. He won't come too often tho I ask him each time to come
again the next day. Other people beg him so hard and he can't say No. He has worked for us
nine years and we had him first.
Your mother is busy today selling tickets for the Civic Music Concerts. There would be
something like that now that Woman's Club is over. The Sunday School is closed for the
summer and they had the S.S. picnic Sat. They are all going to Superior Friday for over
Decoration Day. The Mac's went last week-end and it was so cold it wasn't any fun. The rug is
going to be finished to go along on Friday. It is quite good looking and I would never consider
making another. I wouldn't have made that except that your mother wanted a hand made rug
and needed something green to match the curtains.
Every tree is in full leaf now and the country is green and beautiful. We had our last D.A.R.
luncheon at the Country Club. It was a cold day but they had a large oil heater and a fireplace
fire so it was warm enough. You know we had turkey in our locker so today I'll tell you what
we had for lunch. Turkey in the gravey on hot biscuits, a tossed salad and fresh pineapple.
We wished you were here and you soon will be. June 9 isn't far away. Don't waste time on
me, I know how busy you are and I see all your letters. You can write us all together.
($5 inside)
Marshfield, May 10
Dear Joellen:
Just a line as you are coming so soon and I know you are hard at work. Your family are all
at the lake but return tomorrow. Your Dad, Bruce & Priscilla come in the morning & your
mother is spending the day with Caroline Allen and takes Debby along too. They return
tomorrow or Wed. A.M.
We had a fine Decoration Day and spent it at the farm. The first meal out there this year!
We may have it sold, we don't know yet, so don't say anything about it. We will probably know
Wednesday. We can stay this year and maybe next. We are going to be very bored without it
and will have to find something else for a hobby.
I read a good story told by an Editor from Maine (true story). The minister of his church
where he was a boy asked everyone who wanted to go to heaven to stand up and all stood but
one man. The minister then said, "All who want to go to hell stand up" — and the man still sat.
So the minister singled him out and said, "Where do you want to go?" The man said,
"Nowhere, I like it here!"
I think the Clements went to the lake, too. The Greens loaned them their cottage.
I am glad you will have company home. I am enclosing $5 again. I want you to be sure to
have enough to get home.
Don't forget about daylight saving time in Chicago. They have it in Chicago but not here.
Our radio is all an hour earlier because we don't change. I don't think this state has it. Anyway
your trains arrive & leave on Cent. Standard Time. Chicago eats earlier but you go to
Milwaukee anyway. Fortunately they don't change the trains and they stay Central Standard
Time and I think the clocks in the station stay as always too.
Your conductor will know about it and I don't think it makes any difference to you anyway.
Dear Joellen:
I know your mother wrote you Sunday but my letter won't start until Wednesday so they
won't be too close. Your mother caught a nice cold from a good friend who entertained them
when she was getting one. Mrs. Paul Doege got one the same day - same place. Paul said to her
"Why didn't you turn around and come home when you found what you were getting into?"
Good advice! If only that doesn't go through the family.
Sunday we all drove up to Spencer to see the little car they make there and driving around
later they passed a new little Ford. I can see that there is a possibility that we may have a third
car. We surely need it at times.
You will be coming home soon I hear. I am glad you are coming but I am afraid you will get
very tired. Be sure you have at least ten dollars that you can't possibly need to carry along. If
you need more money write me and I'll send it.
Some of our friends here are starting for Florida on Mar. 28 - by car to be gone a month. I
think they are going to find very warm weather and the next month here can't be too bad. Bapa
has a birthday today, we are not taking too much notice of it - I think it is time to drop-gifts-for
the older generation.
We had dinner with the Roddis family a week ago and Mrs. R. said Ellen's baby doesn't
come till late April or May. She will go down in May. They live in the Cambridge section.
Mr. R. was telling us that Aunt Frances sent Roddy $200 and he had some more money, so he
wrote his parents that he thought he would buy a car. They wrote back that if he had too much
money they would send him less - no car!
I must close and go over to your house to see how your mother is. It is just a head cold, I
think. She had too busy a week last week anyway. See you soon.
Don't say anything about the car as it is still in the air.
Dear Joellen:
I thought I would write you a note in place of a Christmas card.
Bruce came home today and is bringing our gifts so I am sending Dora's and also some bibs
that Dora made and sent to Kris.
I read something the other day about the man at the head of the air force of the U.S.A. and
that is he has a teenage daughter named Kristin.
I also want to thank you for sending all those dresses for me to try on. The red one is a
perfect fit and I kept it. I have worn it twice. All I had to do was shorten the belt.
Hope we may be seeing you soon.
Love & Christmas greetings to you all.
P.S. The family has gone to an entertainment at the Purdy School as Priscilla is playing her
Dear Joellen:
I have time for a short note as Bapa and Bruce have gone down town to get Bapa some
overshoes. His back is bothering a lot and the Dr. told him to keep warm. The weather is the
coldest on record here for Nov. 1-2-3.
Your mother, Carrie and the children are in Chicago and we finished the skirts because they
had to have them.
Your mother missed the dance but Mac couldn't go either so your Dad & Victoria went
together (last night).
Bapa & Bruce just got back & Bruce was trying to get the ice off as they couldn't see out
front or back. Good day to stay at home. I am having Bruce and your father in for dinner
I think I told you about Aunt Mabel's winning a $400 electric stove? It was funny so if I
didn't tell you, say so.
Our anniversary at the library was a great success. So many people sent flowers & Mr.
Hefko sent the four librarians corsages. We showed the microfilm of the early newspapers in
our new viewer (1882). Miss Millard had several good display of books. The most interesting
thing to me was an exhibit like one on display in the New York Public Library for a month. It
was sponsored by the Am. Institute of Graphic Arts and books chosen for their typographical
merits. Strange as it may seem we found a list of them & had enough for a good display. Miss
Millard bought a few more. One was hand blocked from cuttings from linoleum. You must see
that one when you come home. If I ever have to take gifts to the Kerskers, I think I'll take them
from that list. We had children's only in that exhibit. I am sure it wasn't appreciated as to most
people here a book is just a book. I doubt that you get time to read this.
Lots of Love
Saturday, March 8
Dear Joellen:
Today we have a nice snowstorm. Feb. wasn't so bad, lots of sun for a change. On Sunday
your Dad wanted to get miles on his car so took us to Powers Bluff. It was a nice day and there
were so many people there! I had no idea the place was so nice. Someone told me they went
out on Sunday and couldn't find a place to park, so had to leave. We were in luck as a man
moved out just as we came and we got his place. They will have to make more space for
parking somewhere. The wooded park is so nice I would hate to see them cut any trees.
I enclose some darling pictures of shoes. You must try to get some!
I went to the Woman's Club play. It was held in the "Little Theater" in the new H.S. It was
very good but of the entire cast I knew only Mrs. Woodside, Marilyn Roddis & Clyde Parkin.
Mrs. Woodside is from Tenn. and told me she was leaving immediately after the play to visit
her old home and stay a month. But the tornado struck her home, Fayetteville, Tenn., and she
couldn't go. She says it is spring down there.
A radio program I was getting one evening was interrupted several times to tell about this
tornado and warn people not to rush in there. I didn't know at that time that she came from
there. I see her at D.A.R. and like her so much.
Sara Jones has German measles. I guess her eyes have bothered her a lot. Remember when
you had them?
Bapa has had a cold for about two weeks and now is staying home and taking aureomycin.
He stays down part of the time and sits and writes and works on his books some of the time.
Frederick Upham has moved to Idaho. He does something in the conservation dept. Letty's
husband has a job somewhere in the state and she goes to join him as soon as he finds a house,
so Grace is going to be all alone in that big house. They want her to sell it but she says she
never will.
I enclose a little green paper that perhaps you can use. I am trying to make my letters worth the
three cents postage. If it is still in the letter when it arrives just thank me for my letter. Your
parents read all the letters. "A hint to the wise is sufficient."
Mrs. W. D. Wheeler
918 West 8 Street
Marshfield, Wisconsin
May 13, 1952
Dear Joellen:
You see I am making good use of my birthday gift. It is very nice - thank you.
It is a glorious day here today. I wish you could see our Park-Avenue Park. It is such a
beautiful fresh bright green - trees & grass and so much of it. We passed it yesterday when the
sun was shining and it was startling.
Bapa & Bruce have gone to the Rib to fish. Your parents let Bruce stay out of school and
Bruce was thrilled! I hope they get some fish. If they don't it isn't because they are short of
expensive flies. They have dozens & dozens.
We have been trying to get the Nelsons up here for a week-end but with no success. Uncle
Herbert has the kind of backache or lame back that Bapa had last year. He has to take
treatments for it and doesn't want to go anywhere. I told you they lived on the beach in Fla. and
Laura thought it too damp or something.
I heard the other day that you had a job in Wausau! I told my informant that I didn't think
you had but you were looking for one. I think it is better not to say anything about any definite
job till you have it. They said teach and I said I didn't think you were interested in teaching. I
had called your mother's attention some time ago to several places along the Wisconsin River
Valley where I knew the paper mills had Librarians and I thought they might need women for
other posts. I have a Library Bulletin that mentions several. Their only interest was libraries
but there are probably others, as I see the place where you applied has three librarians on their
staff. I'll keep that bulletin for you to see. Better get a list from the woman you talked to of
firms writing from Wisconsin.
I think you need a nice long vacation. As you know I don't think it pays to work vacations.
Look at Dotty with a low blood count and all tired out now just because she worked all summer.
Very foolish I call it!! You remember that evening after the wedding she slept all evening on
the porch in all that noise.
I am glad you are having a good time but hope you get a little time to study! If you are busy
don't write us as we see your letters. It won't be long before you are home. Are you driving or
coming on the train?
Lots of love
Mrs. W. D. Wheeler
918 West 8 Street
Marshfield, Wisconsin
Dear Joellen:
At one place in the state today we have temp 80 humidity 70. So you see we have warm
weather at last. Bapa and a friend & me and Jim went to Fremont to fish. For a few days they
can fish instead of talking about it all of the time. Incidentally they will connect the fountain
and clean the floor. A place like that is a lot of work.
Your parents are looking forward to another weekend out of town. Their guests arrive
Friday for dinner and they all go to Madison for Sat. & Sunday. It may be warm! After that we
may go to the cottage with them for a week or it may be not until you are back. I hope you can
help us drive. I just looked at the calendar and there is a week left in June after you are back.
We will be glad when you get home - we miss you.
Priscilla played in Mrs. William's recital, 52 played - Priscilla did very well. Many of them
played the same piece & Debby looked at her program and began counting & said "We have to
hear the Dance of the Fireflies ten times." We did too.
Ellen Roddis came home for the funeral of Aunt Frances - she brought one child with her.
Has anyone told you that your father filled the low lots next door? It looks so much better.
We are having Fourth Street paved to the tune of $400,000. We won't use the street any
more for a year. I don't know what the people along the street will do. Glad I don't live on it. I
am reading "A South American Speaks." I think the author is very smart. I wonder if he is a
Spaniard? He made a very strange statement - in the chapter "Meaning of Democracy." I'll
show it to you when you get home.
I must close and do a little work for a change.
Lots of love
I am enclosing $5 bill in envelope - enough for a telephone call.
Dear Joellen:
Bapa is doing his busy work so thought I would write to you. Today your mother, Victoria,
Bruce, Mike & Phil have gone up to the cottage. You will get a report later. They stay one
night (last) and get back this eve. Your cottage is the one they chose to stay in, as you do have a
wood stove.
Your family had dinner at MacCormicks and Carrie came to get them (girls) this P.M.
Priscilla's grade including P. all had the measles and now the teacher has it. Fourteen were sent
home with it one day and Priscilla read me the names of the fourteen. Trust her!
Summer has come at last. I saw flies outside yesterday. The lawns are a lovely green &
trees budding. You have a meadowlark nesting on your land. We think we see it around all of
the time.
I enclose these clippings:
WHAMDOODLES: How to finance our own needs and the world's begins to take thought,
as the magician who likes hassenpfeffer will save out one rabbit for himself.
* * *
The ex-revenue agent paid $30 for a shirt, instead of pawing through those lost by taxpayers,
for a 16 inch neck and 34 sleeve.
* * *
The question of world leadership finds the office pessimist his accustomed self:
"When going over Niagara in a barrel, does it matter who steers?"
* * *
Aunt Laura wrote me before Easter they planned to go to California (Laura, Herb & Dotty)
by train to visit an elderly uncle of Herb's. Then later we got a letter from Florida saying they
were living out at one of the beaches - at St. Petersburg. It seems Dotty was very tired and they
thought the other plan was too strenuous for her. They staid a month and I think Dotty did too.
Anyway the doctor said her blood count was way down. I don't think it pays to work summer
I think your parents want to come East at Grad. time.
Bapa says he is getting his work done so I must close. I gave my paper at D.A.R. on the
O.A.S., am glad that is over.
I've just finished "I Led Three Lives" - Philbrick. Sometime you should get it and see what
he says about the Communists in the Boston Area — last chapter.
You will be home before you know it - time goes so fast.
Lot of Love
Dear Joellen:
I am enclosing your valentine - not too clean but nevertheless useful. Your mother and I are
going downtown soon so can mail this. Bapa is in Chicago for several days. Your parents had a
good time there and everything was fine at home. In fact, Mrs. Coppel said she never stayed
with such nice, well behaved children.
Mrs. McCulloch was buried last Thursday. Mrs. Kraus is still alive. The Ketchums are
going out to the Asylum to stay while the Ferrandos spend a month in Florida so that leaves me
alone to go to card club Mondays. I just play solitare! as Mrs. Winch & Mrs. Connor are in
Florida too and Mrs. Roddis on a three-month cruise.
I hope your second trip North was a success. Too many people get hurt.
Priscilla seems to be doing very well with piano lessons. They have new & better ways of
teaching everything now.
I have invited five guests for the Feb. 22 banquet. Hope we are not snow- bound. One
year the Greens accepted and couldn't get there.
I see your mother coming so must close.
Lots of Love
April 10, 1952
Dear Joellen:
I know you are back at school by now after a nice vacation. Your mother and sisters &
Carrie and Patty went to Madison yesterday for a spree. They left in light coats and straw hats
and about an hour after they left it began to snow a little, and got worse in an hour or two and
finally we had a big snowstorm of heavy wet snow. Today the sun is bright and snow going
fast. Bapa finally went to the clinic as he had a bad cough. He got a big dose of penicillin
yesterday and another today. Your mother wanted him to go two weeks ago and he wouldn't!
He felt much better after the first dose. I mean 9 hrs. after.
I heard Arthur Godfrey say over the radio that they had sold 750,000 records of Dance Me
To go back to Bapa. Perhaps someone wrote you about the time Bapa had getting home
from Chicago. He telephoned me to send someone to Babcock to meet him, so your mother
started at the usual time. After she was gone Bapa telephoned me from New Lisbon that he was
there and the train was not going to Babcock. Track washed out! The Mighty Yellow river was
on the rampage! He hoped I could stop Betty. I told him I couldn't so he said he would try to
get to Babcock. He got a taxi for $10 to take him through the water. He got there and found no
one could get from here to Babcock. He called me again and said he was there & would stay
there till we located Betty. I called your Dad & he found that the roads were blocked and she
couldn't possibly get thru, but they didn't know your Mother! hey let her through to make a
detour and she went miles and finally stopped at a farm and they said she might just as well go
back, but the woman's husband came out and said the radio said they were taking the passengers
from the "Dells" to Wisconsin Rapids by bus so she went to Wis. Rapids and finally called us
here. Your Dad told her to stay there at the Dixon until she heard from him again. Then he
called Bapa at Babcock and he said he would try to get to Wis. Rapids. A man was going so he
went along and finally they got home at 8 P.M. That is the contributing factor to the bad
bronchial tubes and so penicillin.
Bruce will probably write about this but "Mean Jim" (it's vacation time) cleaned the junk out
of the warehouse and sold it and made 28.50 apiece. They gave it to them if they would have it
carried away.
P.S. I see I omitted one telephone call back to Betty to say Dad was on the way.
P.S. So you can see that the unexpected often happens. No one here knew a thing about the
flood. It was sudden!
P.S. Have you lost enough weight so you want some cookies and if so, what kind?
Jan. 22, 1952
Dear Joellen:
I haven't been writing any letters as you know. Today I am fully recovered - at last. We
planned to do a lot of things but are having a blizzard this P.M. Terrio has just been here with
his snowplow so possibly we could get out now. 3. P.M.
Your mother came over here this A.M. on skis. The little girls are at school and I don't know
how they will get home. We should get out Whittier's "Snow Bound" and read it. I had
penicillin, aureomycin and guretracin and in spite of them my recovery was slow. Even the
Doctors were having bad colds. Mrs. Kraus is still in the hospital.
Later - Your mother just came to get the car to do errands but I didn't go as it is snowing and
I expect the streets are still bad. There is a new red Buick in a show window downtown. We
saw it yesterday. It is just like the one your Dad has ordered. No one can mistake you for
anyone else when you drive that.
Mr., Mrs. Roddis and Augusta have gone on a long cruise, three months, getting back
sometime in April. Laura K. and I are all that is left of our card club so today we decided to
play two-handed Canasta.
I wasn't able to get to D.A.R. Thursday but Mrs. Parker went up in a cab and Mrs. Doege1s
long front walk was ice like a skating pond. She had her arms full of books, purse etc. and fell
flat. No one saw her so she got up and proceeded to wade thru the drifts to the front door. Then
Mrs. Doege saw a man sanding Joe McCain's walk and called to him and had him sand hers
before the others came. Evidently the ice hadn't worried her. I imagine they go & come by car
and go in the side door, so hadn't noticed their walk. They are going to Florida Feb. 1. We
won't go now, I am sure. The Charles Vedders have gone to Colorado to ski.
Oh, yes - Mrs. Parker wasn't hurt but ruined her stockings. Marjorie? Eiche is home with a
sprained ankle which she got Sunday skiing.
Hope you are making good headway on all your numerous papers. Don't try to write us until
they are all done.
I'll enclose 5 at a time as that seems safer.
Dear Joellen:
I won't write much as you will be here a week from today.
This P.M. your mother has to meet "Thomsen & Abbott" at Babcock. The young fry are
meeting Santa Claus towntown. They were discussing it this A.M. & Priscilla said "Santa" was
starting at the air Port and Patty Allen remarked that Priscilla talked too much tho that wasn't
exactly what she said. We all laughed. About the Dean, I think I knew her mother slightly, if
her name is Janet and her father George I. It seems to me her mother's name was Margaret but
maybe not. Don't ask her (Dean) what her name was, but look it up in some list of the faculty -
or something.
Bapa is feeling so well ("that feeling of well being" Dr. Doege talks about) that I am afraid
we will have trouble holding him down. He wanted to go to the farm this morning but I
discouraged him. See you soon.
You know your Dad has been gone all of the week, ending at that yearly meeting in Milwaukee.
Please tear this up in small pieces and throw it in the wastebasket. Thank you.
Friday, Nov. 16
Dear Joellen:
I intended writing you sooner but Bapa was sick so I was busy. Last Saturday night your
mother had a dinner party so I invited Priscilla and Debby here for dinner. Bapa didn't eat much
and later began to get a chill. I took his temperature and he had one. So after I took the girls
home I called Dr. Baldwin (Doege out of town) and he came in a hour & thought it was "flu."
He gave him penicillin and empirin and the next morning the temperature was gone. Dr. B. had
written out a card for the hospital to be used if the temperature was still up in the morning. Well
in the morning it was normal so he staid in bed most of the day, getting up for meals. The next
day he was fine too (Monday) but when he went to bed at night he had a little temp & it came
up in the night. So I called Dr. Doege and he came right over. He had us get areomeycin and
he took that Monday night and Tuesday but Tuesday night the temperature came up again so I
called Dr. Doege again and he said for him to go to the hospital (Wed. A.M.) as he wanted to
take Xray pictures. Bapa hasn't had any temperature since going to the hospital and we all
thought maybe he hadn't needed to go but today when we got to the hospital he said Dr. Doege
said there was a spot the same place as last year. As he left the room he said not to worry as he
thought they had it under control. I guess it is "flu" pneumonia & he doesn't think it will take
too long to clear up. I hope not. He is getting lots of penicillin and also aureomycin and it
seems that should do it. He doesn't feel badly. The deer season opens tomorrow and he had all
plans made to go. I feel sure if he hadn't been sick now he would have been after standing out
in the cold all day the way they do.
Don't let this worry you as there isn't anything you can do and we are getting old so can
expect almost anything. I am sure we won't dare to go as far as Florida this year.
Sunday Mar. 23
Dear Joellen:
I intended to write you before vacation so this is it. I think you'll get it. We had blizzard
yesterday and today the loose snow is still blowing around. I haven't seen your mother today
and only heard a few words of your telephone conversation. Bapa lifted the receiver to make a
call and could hear you and your mother talking. You will be cold if you part with all your
warm clothes. The rug is almost large enough. Wish I had some black. Did you have any
scraps left from the coat you made?
I had a letter from Mrs. Roddis from Jamaica. They have been there three months. Soon
they are flying to Bermuda and hop from there to N.Y. & Boston to visit Ellen.
Dr. Paul Doege & family & Mrs. Doege (Elizabeth) & companion are all going to Europe. I
wouldn't think much of that right now.
Mrs. Miller didn't find a bed of roses on her trip last night to meet Marbeth in the snowstorm.
Mac. went to meet Mike for the same train, not knowing that Mrs. Miller was going. Victoria
met Mrs. Miller downtown and discovered she was going but it was too late to stop Mac as he
had started.
Andy Connor was home from Korea on leave and Mrs. Connor & Andy went to Florida - a
good idea. Florence Connor & Mrs. Winch are still in Florida, have been there since Christmas.
Mrs. Jackson is working there and Mrs. Walter Sexton is visiting her. Mrs. Sexton Kraus died.
The Glassuers moved into her house. Mrs. Jackson and the others are all in West Palm Beach.
I attended the entertainment put on by the 400 Marshfield Girl Scouts. It was very good.
Debby announced for her troop and Pris was in a little dance with hers. Priscilla has had four
music lessons and can play a piece. I haven't heard it yet, because when I was there your father
was too and they can't play when he is in the house.
Have a good time on your vacation.
(I enclose green paper for Easter greetings.)
Jan. 16, 1950
Dear Joellen:
As Harry says, this is a summer day - not winter. It is hot but by evening a coat feels good
when out in the car. Last evening we went to dinner at the "Palm Garden Restaurant" at Indian
Rocks. They have the restaurant in one corner of a huge orange grove near the Gulf. We ate in
a large room with an inside wall of plate glass. Thru the glass we could see the other part of the
R. under the palm trees. The trees were close together and many tables scattered among them.
One table was built around a grapefruit tree and seated about 12. You could look up and see the
grapefruit over your head. They sometimes fall on the diners. Bapa sent your mother a basket
of fruit from there. I am enclosing a small sample of the Spanish moss that grows on so many
of the trees here. Out in the country it looks ghostly and on dead trees ghostly. In a few days
we think we are going to Miami. It is 250 miles and we stay overnight. They are talking about
going to Key West at the same time if it isn't too far. I think 500 miles in two days might be
about my limit. Two women from here just got back and they took a week just to Key West and
back. The packages came and both slippers & bows were fine. Thank you.
Guess we are missing some bad weather in Marshfield. Every day I miss makes me that
much happier. Harry says the one thing that flows well here is money. Everyone has it.
They had a letter from Aunt Laura this morning & Dotsie is engaged to a young man from
Janesville and she spoke of D's roommate Joan. I wondered if she roomed with the Joan you
knew there. She hasn't a ring yet, is wearing his fraternity pin. The two boys & two girls were
all coming to Racine for the weekend. Marjorie has three nice children. We see them
The shrubs here are beautiful both "Hibiscus & Poinsettias" are in bloom now and both
brilliant red. Many poinsettias are double and are very ornamental. The flame vine (yellow) is
beautiful too. You should see the yachts anchored here in the waterways -hundreds - all shapes
& sizes.
This really is a wonderful place and we are having a good time. I must close as we are going
shopping and out for dinner again. We plan to take them out every day we can we dinner.
Lots of Love
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Dear Joellen:
We were glad to get your nice letter. Are glad you had such a good trip. It is lovely down
here, so warm & nice. Harry says today it will be 80° in the middle of the day. We have gone
for two long rides. Yesterday we drove to the bathing beaches and resort hotels on the Gulf.
The place is alive with everything including acres of orange groves. You can't imagine it, the
gulf & beach on one side, then strips of land made by long narrow bays running in and making
more and more beaches - and places to anchor yachts - by the hundreds. I had no idea the place
was so vast. Flowering shrubs all in bloom. The city is very green but the country coming in
was covered by dry grass like any place in the winter.
Your mother says we took the train the right day as the H train was so crowded that Mrs.
Green & Anne had to stand to New Lisbon. Our train was two hours late from Chicago here all
the time. Due to sleet and bad luck they could never make it up. We rode thru 700 miles of ice
coated trees and grass and in one place a heavily loaded tree bent over enough to strike the
windows on one side of the train, breaking a lot of them. That was far ahead of our coach but I
heard it and I thought something blew up under our car. That was the first loss of time as they
had to stop to see what happened and tape the windows to go on. However the same train
arrived here yesterday and it was two hours late again. They take their time down here so
maybe it never gets here on time! We had a roomette on the last lap of our journey so we know
all about them. What I didn't like was that we had a radio and so did all of our neighbors and
you know me! I am learning canasta! We go to a bridge & canasta lecture at a beautiful hotel
this P.M. We arrived at 6:30 Sat. nite & all went to Marjories for a turkey dinner Sunday. The
children are darling! The little boy Pete is just Priscilla's size & age & we had to play & play
old maid. He had a deck but this one was different and no one played with him much. I
received a great compliment before dinner for Pete said for dinner - "Can I sit by Aunt Myrta?"
Pete can play the piano like a veteran, marvelous for a little boy, and plays with expression. He
has the artistic temperament & Polly is the active one like Priscilla. The "Adlers" told your
mother that they are coming down in about a week as they always come down here.
I must close as Bapa & Harry are going to town and they mail this.
Lots of Love
Dear Joellen:
I think I have written you a lot of letters, for me, but this will be the last before Christmas.
Yes, I am going to make the rug so bring along what stockings you have. They don't take up
any room.
We had a letter from Uncle Harry and he said Bapa & I should come down to Florida as
early in January as possible. So Bapa said at once we would leave here Jan. 5. He has gone to
Chicago today and says he is coming back with the reservations in his pocket. We can't go too
soon to suit me. It is getting cold here.
The British royal infant you enclosed looks exactly like his father, but I don't think that
length sleeve on Princess E. is too becoming and evidently a bracelet wouldn't be in good taste.
So you see I don't like that sleeve on anyone unless they have a very short arm. I hope I can
find a green long sleeved dress soon. I am still trying.
Victoria has had those awful painters for a long time. She put some new green paper just
like the old on her living room. I also got some in a pale gray rose for my room too, same
pattern. I'll enclose a bit in this letter. I don't think I'll try to put it on until we get back (if we
go). Debby has been having a cold, at any rate a croupy cough. She isn't sick.
Did your mother tell you those much loved painters are going to hop into their trailer and
start for Florida the minute they finish at Victorias.
It is about time for my radio program so I'll say goodnight.
Dear Joellen:
I wrote you last night and forgot all about what you said about seeing Warren. I hope you
didn't! Don't let him bother you and don't go out to dinner with him or anything. You would
never get rid of him. I never would let your mother go anywhere with him and Helen Allman
used to go sometimes and was deathly afraid of him. Think up some good excuses & lies and
send someone else to say you are out of town or something. Harry says he is out of money and
sold his expensive handbag to get somewhere. He is impossible, so look out.
Enclose postage stamps. This is an occasion where a lie is justified.
Marshfield, Wisc.
April 22, 1949
Dear Joellen:
It is about time I wrote you. I had (for me) a lot of things to do. I had tickets for two tables
for the D.A.R. bridge and yesterday I was hostess with Mrs. Oates for the luncheon.
Your mother thinks there is a girl in sight - (in a week) so I hope I The little girls went
along to Guild today as your mother said they could go up and play in the Sunday Sch. room.
Oh yes! I had to furnish a cake for the bridge, too, also I had an off day so didn't get there
after all but I was O.K. for the luncheon Bapa has gone to the farm with his friend Meyer. I
wanted to go too but could see I wasn't wanted as they intend to stay quite awhile. I am sending
you a clipping or two and a picture of a dress I thought was good looking. Maybe it would be
too old for you.
Probably your mother told you all about the Owen boys' scholarship for next year. Mrs. R.
said Roddy is going on a Navy cruise to Eng. etc. etc. & won't get home till August.
I can see Jill wandering around the yard, with everyone gone. Bruce will be home soon, I
think. Your lawn is quite green. I had a letter from Aunt Mabel since the earthquake. It was
just at noon. She went downstairs (two flights) and said it was like trying to run in a dream. It
look her so long to get to the bottom. She said the only people hurt were those that ran out and
were hurt by flying bricks. One school boy killed that way and a few hurt. She says next time
she will make for a doorway downstairs. They did have a large crack and lots of land fell into
Puget Sound. They took me for a ride to Point Defiance Park and I know about where that
landslide was, however, if I had to choose between mild earthquakes and this awful cold, I
choose the quakes.
I must close. Next week I hope to send you some brownies,
Dear Joellen:
I guess our letters crossed so I'll write again and you can answer. You mention the Freshman
dance. Tell me about it. Is it formal and do you have all girls or couples? Was it fun?
Your mother and I went shopping for Christmas gifts yesterday and I didn't find one thing I
wanted. All I came home with was bath salts for myself. We have had snow but it is going fast
today. I saved that snow picture for you but your mother sent one so I'll send mine to Aunt
Mabel. She likes snow because they don't have much.
While we were out yesterday we met Mark's mother. She said Mark had been looking
forward to a reunion when Marbeth came to spend the weekend. He must have some way of
knowing all about it so I imagine you wrote him. Mrs. Hanson says he is having a lot of trouble
with German as the lessons are so long. Now I conclude that a Freshman should choose as easy
a course for the first semester as possible. However it may not be possible.
Bapa has been having a very bad cold. He staid in two days and is out today. He says he
will know tomorrow whether it was wise to go out. That ended his hunting as it was stormy and
just the ideal weather. Dr. Potter wanted to go too but didn't.
Your mother & father went to Paul Doeges to dinner last night. I haven't seen her today yet.
It is getting late in the P.M. & Priscilla hasn't arrived home yet. It is very hard for her to get by
certain places.
Lots of Love