19.1. 7-person Casket Sequence
19.1.1. Personnel & Summary: The team will consist of 7 personnel performing both Pallbearer and Firing
Party duties. Six will Pallbearer and 1 NCOIC of Firing Party (NFP) will stay with the
weapons until Pallbearers sequence is completed. Upon completion of the flag folding
sequence, three Firing Party members will march back to their weapons and fire the three
volleys. One member will march to preposition bugle assume responsibilities of the
Bugler. The “Spare” person will march back with the three firing members, split off, and
fall in at the predetermined position. Note: The extra person will be referred to as
Spare. Spare is responsible for allowing NFP to observe the cue to start the firing
sequence, if NCOIC is not in view. Spare is also responsible for retrieving the spent
rounds and gloves after the completion of the Firing Party sequence. The bugle will need to be pre-positioned before the Firing Party march on
sequence. The bugle will be placed with the ceremonial inserts side facing down. Note:
Reference Chapter 7 for duties of Bugler. Pre-positioning bugle with insert down
ensures that Bugler will be able to locate bugle later in ceremony.
NOTE: Ensure the entire team knows placement of bugle and Spare during rendering
of Military Funeral Honors in the case of “Up and Face” sequence being utilized. Ref:
19.1.2. Equipment: Three fully functional and properly maintained M-14 rifles. Three clean white weapon slings, sized and cut to the weapon. If black gloves
are worn for cold weather, black slings need to be used instead. The NFP draws nine rounds of ammunition for each ceremony along with
three magazines. Properly fitted or disposable hearing protection. Hearing protection must be
utilized. NFP must
wear the ceremonial belt. No other members wear the ceremonial
belt The NFP will
wear a side arm in a black holster. Either an inert 9mm or .38-
caliber revolver will be worn. Seven pair of white non-silicone gloves.
2 Practice Interment flag. The wear of safety back-belts underneath ceremonial blouses, raincoats and
topcoats is highly recommended for all Pallbearers. Note: This issued item aids in the
support of your back and abdominal region while carrying caskets. Bugle
19.1.3. Sequence: The Firing Party line will fall in as specified by the NFP and march to the pre-
determined location. Firing Party is positioned 50-75 paces from the head of the casket
and the middle person in the firing line will be lined up with the corner of the casket.
Once the team is lined up with the casket, NFP calls “Mark, TIME”; then in a combined
command calls “Firing Party, Left (Right) Face, Order, ARMS”. The remainder of the team will position themselves at the predetermined
position for the Pallbearers sequence while the Firing Party sets up weapons. Once in position, the NFP will call and execute the command “Dress Right,
DRESS”. When the line is ready, the NFP will command, “Ready, FRONT”. Note: It
is the NFP’s responsibility to ensure that the team “dry fires” a minimum of twice
before the ceremony begins. This can be done by the fall out area or at the pre-
determined area. After Firing Party has completed “dry fire” practice, the team will then load
the rifles. Once the rifles are loaded, the NFP gives the subdued commands “Dress
Right, Dress”, next, “Ready Front” and “Ground, ARMS”, followed by “Ready, UP”. The NFP gives the command of “FALLOUT” and the three Firing Party
members perform a left face. NFP remains at the position of Attention. The three team
members march off to join the three other members at curbside and perform Pallbearer
duties. NFP will remain behind. When the three members have departed the area, NFP
will stand at the position of “Stand At, Ease”. When three Firing Party members join team the Pallbearer team will FALL-
IN. NPB will exit formation before family arrives. NPB will assume NCOIC
position facing pallbearer team, standing in predetermined position for hearse to stop.
Note: NPB will be referred to as NPB/NCOIC from this point. NPB/NCOIC will give command of “FAMILY” when the funeral procession
3 Fold will assume responsibilities of taking team from Stand-At, Ease to
ATTENTION when hearse is 10-paces away from Pallbearer team. As the hearse passes in front of the team, Carry or Hand-off will render a
slow hand salute (whichever is closest to the route of the hearse). The cadence of the
salute is three-seconds up/down. When hearse has stopped Fold will call command of “Stand At, Ease”.
Pallbearers will assume position of Stand At, Ease until NPB returns to team. NPB/NCOIC will return to Pallbearer team when OIC/NCOIC responsibilities
are completed. Note: Hearse door open, flag draped properly on the casket, stopper
removed, and cues from funeral director are the primary responsibilities that
NPB/NCOIC will assume. NPB will “FALL-IN” with team at the position of “ATTENTION” and
then assume position of Stand At, Ease on his/her own. NPB will call command of
“Bearers, ATTENTION”. NPB will give command, “STEP”. This initiates the “hang step” to reposition
the team behind the hearse. Note: In case the funeral representative/director does not
stop the funeral procession, Hand-off or Carry (whoever is on the corner of the team
closest to the approaching vehicles) will use his/her outside hand to signal the vehicles
to stop before they impede the Pallbearers route. The Pallbearer team will flank in the direction of the hearse and step off with
normal arm swing on the next available left foot. Note: From the left flank, you will step
off immediately once the heel of left foot hit the ground. From the right flank, one
hang step on right foot will be taken, then on next step when left heel hits ground, step
off immediately with arm swing. This movement is done in the absence of the
OIC/NCOIC position. Behind the Hearse Sequence: Pallbearer team will continue to march to the
back of hearse. NPB will command, “MARK, TIME” when the team is approximately 1
to 2 feet (or the doors length) away from the bumper of the hearse. “MARK” is called
on the left foot and “TIME” is called on the right foot. NPB must allow 4-6 steps for the
team to adjust their distance, followed by “BEARERS, HALT”. The team halts and NPB’s side executes a center face (left face) and then takes
one side step to the right, toward the hearse. Fold & Cross Mark execute a center face (right face) and then take one side-
step to the left, toward the hearse.
4 Hand-off will halt and stand fast as the team center faces; Hand-off takes
one side-step to the right centering between each file, with the team as they side step
toward the hearse. After steps are complete, the entire team (except for Hand-off) makes eye
contact with the person across from them and executes a three-second head drop. Note:
The cadence for the behind the hearse sequence is as follows: “BEARERS, HALT”;
step stop, center face, and step down (toward the hearse); for Hand-off; step stop, stand
fast, step center. After the team has completed their three-second head drops, Hand-off takes
two hang steps to the back bumper of the hearse. Hand-off then executes a three-second
head drop. If necessary, Hand-off will undress the flag over the casket. (Count 1): Hand-off will bring their closed hands up in front of their
shoulders (palms inward hands at a fist). (Count 2): Extend arms/hands out straight over the casket. Hands will be
flared over the casket, index fingers touching. (Count 3): Then slowly slide their hands apart along the white band and
both hands are still flared. (Count 4): Grab the flag and pull it over the end of the casket. Hand-off
secures the casket handle with both hands (palms facing up). All four movements are
executed in a three-count movement. Once Hand-off is in position to remove the casket from the hearse, the NPB
will quietly give the number of “turning steps”. Hand-off will repeat this number to NPB
for verification, twice. Hand-off will begin to step back and away from the hearse with
the casket in tow. Hand-off’s head sharply rises upon the first step of pulling the casket
out of the hearse. Upon NPB’s command of “READY, TAKE”, Fold and NPB will take
hold of the casket. Hand-off must repeat the number of turning steps twice more for the
rest of the team before returning to their designated position on the casket. All
Pallbearers must have their thumbs pointing in the direction of travel with the casket.
Note: These commands given by NPB and Hand-off will be given in a low
conversational tone.
5 When the casket is approximately 2/3 of the way out of the hearse, NPB will
in a low conversational tone command to Fold, “READY, LIFT”. NPB and Fold will
gently raise the casket to prevent it from striking the hearse’s rear bumper. Note: If the
front of the flag is not draped over the front of the casket, NPB must quietly command,
“READY, FLARE”. Upon the command, NPB and Fold will simultaneously bring
their right and left hands (respectively) over the front end of the casket to the top, take
hold of the end of the flag material and drape it over the casket. Once the motion is
complete NPB and Fold will re-place their hands on the casket handle. Hand-off will reach around to the left rear corner of the casket and take two
side steps to the left. The first side step will be a 45-degree step facing the left rear
corner of the casket and the next step will be facing Carry. Hand-off will ensure that the
rear handle of the casket (if applicable) is pushed down and moved back to their original
position. Once in position, Hand-off will execute a 3-second head drop and
command in a normal conversational tone, “READY”. NPB then commands, “STEP”.
The team performs the pre-determined number of turning steps toward gravesite. After the turning steps are completed, NPB commands, “UP”. Once the
entire team has completed the simultaneous three-second head raises (making eye contact
with teammates across the casket), NPB will command “FACE”. The team will execute
a three-second facing movement in the pre-determined direction of travel. NPB then
commands “STEP”, cueing the Chaplain and the team to march toward gravesite. Note:
Mark, Cross-mark, Carry, and Hand-off will walk in a “duck walk” (toes pointed
outward) when carrying the casket. NPB and Fold will walk normal. The “duck
walk” prevents any member’s shoes from coming off during the sequence as well as it
will help with keeping the whole team in step. DO NOT dig heels into the ground when
performing this walk. When NPB is approximately 1 pace away from the mock-up, he/she will
command, “HALT”, “CENTER”, and then “STEP”. All of these movements are
executed in three-second movements. The “Step” command initiates the team’s side
stepping onto the mock-up. Note: When stepping onto the mock-up team members will
make eye contact with the person across from them to signal they are ready to step up
onto the platform (if necessary). If the person does not look up, they are not ready to
step up and the person across from them will not step up either. When the entire team is on the mock-up and the casket is centered on the
lowering device, NPB commands, “HALT”. After the team has halted, NPB and Hand-
off take hold of the corner of the flag with their right hand and hold it away from the
casket. Simultaneously, Fold and Carry will secure the flag with their left hands and hold
it away from the casket. (This is done to prevent the flag from touching the ground
and/or being pinned under the casket.)
6 At this point, Mark & Cross Mark compensate the other team members’
weight. NPB commands “DOWN”. The team extends their arms down, then squat and
slowly lowers the casket down onto the mock-up. Note: NPB will allow enough time for
team members to grab hold of the corners of the flag before calling command,
“Down”. Ensure Pallbearers bend at the knees and not at the waist when lowering the
casket onto the mock-up. Flag Folding Sequence: Once the flag draped casket has been set down on
the mock-up, all pallbearers will grab their respective ends of the flag, and the team will
rise to the standing position. At this point, either Mark or Cross Mark (whomever’s back
is toward the family) will say “READY, STEP” for the team in a normal conversational
tone. NPB, Fold, Carry and Hand-off will take 1 side step towards their respective ends
of the flag. Mark and Cross Mark will take one side step towards the union/head end of
the flag. Note: Pallbearers’ heads will be down until position of table top in reached. Cross Mark’s hands are together where the “Union” (blue field with stars)
meets the stripes, thumbs splitting the union and the stripes. Mark’s hands are directly
across Cross Marks hands. Once “Ready, Step” is call the entire team will role the outside of the flag
underneath 2 ½ folds (i.e. role one red stripe underneath, then one white stripe, and then
½ of a red stripe). Note: Hand-off will fold 2 ½ stars. After 2 ½ folds are complete, NPB’s right hand will be at that respective end
of the flag. NPB’s left hand will be approximately 6-inches away from their right hand.
Fold, Hand-off and Carry will have their hands together, thumbs on top of the flag at their
respective corners. Cross Mark will have his/her hands splitting the union with their
thumbs; Mark will be directly across from Cross Mark in the same spot (hands will be
together). Mark and Cross Mark set flag level throughout the folding sequence. Note:
The flag must not touch the casket at any time. NPB will tug the flag. Fold’s right hand will slide down the flag in a 3-
second movement to approximately shoulder width apart. NPB will move when Fold’s
hand mirrors his/hers at 6-inch mark and continue to move to shoulder width apart
mirroring each other. Hand-off will move left hand and Carry will move right hand to shoulder
width apart, mirroring each other. Cross Mark will move left hand to shoulder width apart while Mark will
move right hand, mirroring each other.
7 After hands are shoulder width apart by all Pallbearers, NPB will initiated
second tug. Pallbearers will move simultaneously in a 2-second movement to take a step
back, center themselves on their hands (shoulder width apart), and bring their heads up
sharply with chin level to ground. At “table top” position, the desired (optimal) distance between the left and
right hands when holding the flag should be slightly more than shoulder width (approx.
26-28 inches). All thumbs should be visible on top of the flag at this position with the
material pinched between the thumb and index finger. All fingers underneath the flag
will be curled like a fist. Note: Reference to individual positions of six-person flag
folding sequence on Table Top Table 6.14.2 in USAF Training Guide.
Hand-off Cross Mark Fold
Carry Mark NPB
Figure 1 NPB will tug on the flag for a third time to begin the folding sequence (a
fourth time for a cremate sequence).
Hand-off Cross Mark Fold
Carry Mark NPB
Figure 2 Fold, Cross Mark and Handoff set the thrown edge of the flag approximately
1 ½ to 2 inches from the under portions edge (half the red stripe and the horizontal
portion of the top star). Once the borders are set on the flag, Fold, Cross Mark and Hand-
off will re-place their hands to their original positions. NPB, Mark and Carry pull out
their support hands in sync with Mark. Mark will then guide the flag back to center
between the two sides of the team. NPB tugs the flag again.
Hand-off Cross Mark Fold
Carry Mark NPB
Figure 3 Once the borders are set on the flag, Mark will pull (guide) the flag back to
center in unison with the NPB and Carry. The flag is now in the “quarter fold” position. NPB then moves their left hand until their thumb is approximately 1 foot
away from his/her right. Fold’s hands should be parallel. This is called “setting the
box”. NPB makes the first fold using their right hand to put the corner flush with
the edge of the flag that is part of the border set by the two tugs, held in the Fold’s right
hand, to create a triangular effect (NPB must show Fold his palm when folding the flag
over) as shown in Figure 4. NPB creases the edge of the flag towards their position with
their right hand (with their thumb on top of the flag “thumb towards"); once NPB has
completed their crease, Fold will crease the flag to the right with their right hand (fingers
on top of the flag “fingers away”).
Hand-off Cross Mark Fold
Carry Mark NPB
Figure 4 Fold makes one fold to the right, making the flag edge parallel as shown in
Figure 5. Fold creases the flag toward their position with their left hand (thumb on top
of the flag “thumb towards"), then creases the flag towards the right with their right hand
(fingers on top “fingers away”).
Hand-off Cross Mark Fold
Carry Mark NPB
Figure 5 Using their left hand, Fold will place the corner flush with the edge of the
flag held in the NPB’s right hand, Fold will show NPB the palm of his/her hand, to create
a triangular effect. Fold creases the flag towards their position with their left hand
(thumb on top of the flag “thumb towards"); NPB creases the flag towards the left with
their left hand (fingers on top “fingers away”).
Hand-off Cross Mark Fold
Carry Mark NPB
Figure 6
Approximately, every 2 to 3 folds, the team members not folding the flag
(Mark, Cross Mark, Carry and Hand-off) should be feeding the flag toward NPB and
Fold. The members that are across from each other feed together to achieve a “mirror-
like” effect. Once a Pallbearer’s hands leave the flag, they re-assume the position of
Attention. Mark and Cross Mark will not let go of the flag until the flag is completely
folded up.
Note: It is NPB and Fold’s responsibility to pull the flag in front of them.
The flag should be fold in front of NPB and Fold. Tension on the flag while folding is
created from Carry/Hand-off and Mark/Cross Mark (upon release by Carry/Hand-off)
maintain a firm grip on their respective corners of the flag.
On the 8
fold (when the first fold enters the blue field), Mark and Cross
Mark will simultaneously step toward the NPB and Fold. Mark or Cross Mark
(whomever’s back is to the family) will give an eyewink, to ensure they step at the same
Note: The tip of the flag should enter the blue union without exceeding the
second star on the eighth fold. This is to prevent the flag from being folded too long,
thus not allowing the excess flag to be tucked at the end. Ensure the tip does not land
short of the blue, or there will be too much material to tuck in and the flag will look
like a “pillow”.
Repeat steps through until the 13
fold is completed.
NOTE: On the 10
fold, Cross Mark will slightly pull out on the blue material
(union). Fold rolls all red material on the flag tip using the blue material of the union
that has been pulled.
At the last fold (13
fold), with tip approximately 3 inches from the edge of
the white band, Mark and Cross Mark are ready to tuck the remaining excess flag into the
open edge of the folded flag. NPB will hold the flag open by supporting the flag with
their right hand underneath and opening the “flap” with the left hand. Fold secures the
flag by holding the corner of the flag closest to him with their left hand and lifting up the
“flap” with their right hand. Mark begins the tucking sequence by folding a 45-degree angle with the
band material on their side, ensuring that there is enough space to clear the lip of the flag
(approximately 1 inch or two fingers length). Cross Mark pulls and pinches the left
corner of flag with the left hand (index finger inside the opening) ensuring the material is
taut and tucks the flag with the right, pushing all the material to the inside of the flag,
making sure the metal ring is flat.
Note: Mark and Cross Mark ensure the tucked band
lies flat inside of the opening.
NPB and Fold will release the “flap” once the band is tucked inside. NPB
places both hands palms up (fingers underneath the flag and thumbs above the flag) on
the flag.
When the tucking of the flag is complete Fold, Cross Mark, and Mark will
hold the flag at their respective corners with the thumbs together on top of the flag.
Cross Mark Fold
Mark NPB
Figure 7 NPB pulls the flag closer, then flips his/her hand. Then NPB creases the
flag by slowly sliding their hands apart along the edge of the flag (fingers together/on top
and thumbs on bottom, actually crease the flag, this is a chance to make the flag flatter
and sharper). NPB takes the flag with both hands by reaching (simultaneously) over to
the top apex which is pointing towards the Cross Mark (thumbs on top).
NPB pulls the flag directly to their chest (the apex of the flag approximately
1 to 2 inches below the chin) then executes the
“Full Dress” sequence.
Note: Inspect the flag for any red/white material without head movement or “dipping”
the outer most corners of the flag to the left or right. Once inspection is complete,
position both hands at the top portion of the flag. All movements are done on a 3-
second count..
(Count 1): Slowly slide the flared left hand down the open side of the flag
“flap”, extending the arm out/down, and pause.
(Count 2): Bring left hand underneath the flag to support the flag against
the chest and pause.
(Count 3): Slowly slide the flared right hand down the right side of the
flag, extending the arm out/down and pause.
(Count 4): Bring the right hand across the flag and touch the opposite end
of the flag (the left point) and pause.
(Count 5): The right hand sweeps across the front of the flag to the top
corner (the apex) of the flag and pause.
(Count 6): Grasp on the left side of the flag with the right hand, keeping
all fingers joined and pause.
(Count 7): Rotate flag in a clockwise motion with the right hand while
simultaneously lifting the flag up and pinning the left hand to the left side and pause.
Note: The rotation is complete once the apex tip of the flag is directly in front of the
nose and the top of the flag is parallel to the ground.
(Count 8): Lower the flag until the top of the flag is at eye level and pause.
(Count 9): The left hand comes up and joins the right hand, ensuring the
fingers are joined and remain together. 10): Lower the flag to chin level and pin elbows at side.
The “Full Dress” is now complete. NPB gives command of “Face, Away”.
Pallbearers will face in the opposite direction from NPB. If possible, NPB will move in
same cadence as team to the foot of the casket as the team departs the mock-up.
NPB will always call “Face, Away” so that Mark and Carry do not have to travel
around NPB. NPBs’ move to the foot of the casket gives NPB the ability to view the
funeral sequence properly, without having his/her back to the family. The Pallbearers will complete Face, Away and immediately step-off. All
five members will zipper into a line formation when marching back to the weapons.
After clearing gravesite, the team member assigned Bugler position will
split from team and continue to march to pre-positioned bugle.
The three Firing Party members will march back and fall in to the left of
their weapons with no facing movements and stand-by at the position of
Attention. Be
sure to fall in next to the weapon where you fell out originally.
Spare will march back with the three firing members, split off, and fall into
predetermined position.
Note: Spare, NPB/NCOIC, and NFP will pick a spot at the
cemetery that will allow Spare to be seen by both NPB/NCOIC and NFP.
If committal service is performed after Pallbearer team departs, NCOIC will
At, Ease position with feet 6-8 inches apart. The flag will maintain the same
position from the 10
count of the Full Dress.
Firing Party Sequence: When all team members are in place the NFP gives
the subdued command “
Take, ARMS”. At this time, the members will remove gloves
only if the gloves do not have any kind of grip material and place hearing protection in
ears. NFP then gives the subdued command “
Ready, UP”
The NFP then gives the subdued command “Ceremonial At, Ease”.
NPB/NCOIC will come to the position of Attention after the committal
service is complete and ask the family members, “Please rise for military honors.”
This statement is made by NCOIC if the funeral director does not do so. NCOIC must
snap to Attention sharply so that Spare can notice the movement. It will not be
exaggerated. Spare will come to Attention, face the direction of the Bugler, and Present,
Arms when NCOIC has come to Attention and addressed the family members.
NFP will take cue from Spare and start Firing Party sequence.
NFP will call the Firing Party commands from the position of Ceremonial
At, Ease. Note: The NFP must call these commands loudly and distinctly, beginning
from “Firing Party, ATTENTION” through “Present, ARMS”.
NFP give the command “Firing PARTY, ATTENTION”. Execute this
three-count movement in accordance with
Firing Party Attention (from Ceremonial at
NFP then gives command “Ready, FACE”. This is a six-count movement
executed from the position of Attention.
(Count 1): Lift the right foot slightly off the ground and place it down in a
90-degrees angle to the left foot. The heel of the right foot should be against the heel of
the left foot. Simultaneously lift and flare the weapon at a 45 degree angle so that the
trigger housing is at the knee and the right hand is at a fist. The head and the rifle are
following the lead foot, which is the right foot. The left hand is pinned along of the seam
of the pant.
(Count 2): Bring the left foot to meet the right foot, weapon is still flared
at a 45 degree angle and the trigger housing is at the knee.
(Count 3): Butt slam the rifle on the ground in a controlled motion. By
using the rear portion of the stock, it will help in avoiding cracked stocks. (Note: If the
ground is wet DO NOT butt slam).
(Count 4): Move the left foot approximately 6-8 inches to the left, parallel
to each other, while simultaneously bringing the weapon to the first count of the position
Port Arms. Left pinky finger meets the weapon at the ring of the hand guard.
(Count 5): Bring the right hand from the top of the stock at the rear of the
spindle valve
directly to grip the small of the stock with NO flare.
(Count 6): Release the left hand from the hand guard and re-position the
left hand at a fist with the “meat of the palm” (near the thumb), on the operating rod
READY. This movement is executed in seven counts on the first two
volleys and the third volley is executed in six counts from the position of
Ready Face.
(Count 1): Upon the command of Ready, each member of the Firing Party
depresses the operating rod handle completely with left hand at a fist.
Note: Do not rest
weapon on body.
(Count 2): Release the left hand from the operating rod handle, bringing
the left hand out to a flare in front of the left shoulder when the handle has come back
completely; palm is facing the body, thumb is along the index finger.
(Count 3): Slap the left hand at the ring of the hand guard, returning to
proper position of
Port Arms.
(Count 4): Throw weapon down to position of aim.
In a continuous movement, the right hand will go to a fist with the index
finger on the trigger and with the thumb along the index finger. The weapon will be at a
45 degree angle with the front sights level with the firing line member’s eyes. The butt of
the rifle will be placed and held firmly under the right upper arm as the right elbow
presses the weapon tightly to the side of the body. The balance of the rifle will rest in the
palm of the left hand with the left pinky around the ring of the rifle. Turn the head, eyes,
and upper torso toward the direction of fire.
(Count 5): The right hand’s index finger is ripped out of the trigger
housing, squeezing the trigger at the same time out at a fist; all is done in one fluid
Note: All weapons are fired simultaneously.
The right arm is fully extended and aligned with the weapon with the
right hand at a fist with the thumb resting on the forefinger. The inner part of the fist
faces the person in front.
(Count 6): Return the rifle back to the position of Port Arms. The head,
the right arm, the rifle and upper body should return with a “snap”.
(Count 7): Release the left hand from the rifle and return it to the operating
rod handle back to the position of
On the third command of READY, the team will execute a six count
movement. Count seven will not be performed leaving the member at the position of
Port Arms. Note: If the member does count seven on the third volley they must
perform Present Arms with their left hand starting on the operating rod handle.
The movements above are performed until Firing Party has fired three
volleys. Command cadence will be timed by the NFP so that the volleys are
approximately three seconds apart before calling the next
Ready. Note: In the event of
an echo, the NFP will wait until the echo of the fire has ceased before proceeding with
the next command.
NFP then gives the command “Present, ARMS”. This is a five-count
movement executed from the position of
(Count 1): The left foot will close with the right foot bringing the feet
together to the position of Attention.
(Count 2): Execute count one in accordance with Left Face (from
Note: Head, eyes and rifle will follow lead foot, which is the left foot.
(Count 3): Execute count two in accordance with Left Face (from
(Count 4): Slap the weapon with the left hand. When the left hand returns
the pinky should be at the ring of the hand guard.
Note: The left hand will release the
rifle and form a fist not to extend beyond the left shoulder.
(Count 5): The left hand will release the rifle again and form a fist, not to
extend past the left shoulder. Rotate the rifle 90-degrees clockwise with the right hand
simultaneously flaring at the small of the stock. This will complete the movement
returning the firing line to the position of
Present Arms. Note: The sling should be
facing forward and the front sight should be at eye level. Right hand should be at a
flare with thumb tucked. All the weight of the rifle will be in the left hand which is
wrapped around the front of the hand guard with fingers together and thumb wrapped
around the first groove of the hand guard. Weapon is parallel to the body, four inches,
or a fist length away from the waist.
Bugler Sequence: Bugler is positioned at a minimum 50 paces diagonally
from gravesite. If possible, the entire family should be able to see the Bugler. The Bugler
is positioned in the opposite line of sight, usually diagonal to the foot end of the casket.
Note: Reference Chapter 7 for Bugler duties prior to Taps portion of sequence.
Taps will be played from the position of Attention.
The Bugler’s cue to being the playing of Taps occurs when the NFP gives
the final command in the firing sequence
Present Arms. On the “S” of Present, the
Bugler will reach inside the “bell” with the right hand and press the “Play” button. When
the button is pressed, the Bugler has a five second delay before Taps sounds. During that
time the Bugler will take the ceremonial bugle with the right hand and bring the
instrument near his/her lips. Pin the left hand during the duration of Taps. The
ceremonial bugle must remain parallel to the ground at all times.
Note: Ensure the “On”
switch is activated prior to ceremony start time
Once Taps is complete; the Bugler will bring the ceremonial bugle back to
the position of Attention and render a salute.
Note: DO NOT turn the selector switch to
the “Off” position until the Bugler returns to the transportation site.
Firing Party Order, Arms: Once Taps is complete, NFP will perform a
three count Order Arms first, and then will give the team the command of
ARMS.” This is a subdued command. Note: This is a five-count movement for the
Firing line
(Count 1): Rotate the weapon counter-clockwise using the right hand,
return it to
Port Arms. Simultaneously pin the left hand to the left leg.
(Count 2): Return the left hand so the pinky is on the ring of the hand
guard and is in the proper position of
Port Arms.
(Count 3): Bring the right hand from the small of the stock to the top of
the hand guard at the rear of the spindle valve at a fist
without moving the weapon. (Count 4): Lower the weapon to a 45-degree angle next to the right leg;
trigger housing of the rifle is at knee level. Left hand is flared; index and middle finger
are resting on the knuckle of the right thumb. Both elbows are fully extended. (Count 5): Simultaneously bring the weapon back down to the side and
cut the left hand back to the left side with no excess movement to return to the position of
No butt slam. NOK Sequence: NPB/NCOIC will face the family and present the flag to
the next of kin, recites the message of condolence and salutes the flag. An example of the
message of condolence is:
On behalf of the President of the United States, the Department of the Air Force, and a
grateful Nation, we offer our nation’s flag for the faithful and honorable service of
your loved one.
NPB/NCOIC drops salute (3-seconds), faces away from family, and departs
area heading back to transportation site. This is the cue for Firing Party to depart the area.
Firing Party Departure: The NFP will give the firing line the subdued
, “Port, ARMS”.
NFP gives the firing line the subdued command of “Left (Right), FACE”,
depending on which way the team’s vehicle is.
Note: If the family is still by the
gravesite, take the longest route so there is no disruption to the family. The NFP gives the subdued command of “Forward, MARCH” and
marches the line back to the transportation site.
The three Firing Party members will clear weapons at transportation site.
Note: Reference Chapter 4 for proper procedure to clear weapons.
After Firing Party line clears the area, Spare will march to Firing Party are
and retrieve rounds. After all spent rounds are retrieved; Spare will march back to
transportation site.
19.2. 7-person Cremate Sequence
19.2.1. The NPB/NCOIC and Pallbearers team execute the exact same procedures as
the 7-person casket sequence until the arrival of the family.
Ref: through
As the funeral representative’s/director car (holding the urn and flag) passes in
front of the team, Carry or Hand-off will render a 3-second hand salute (whichever is
closest to the route of the hearse). The cadence of the salute is three-seconds up/down.
Note: In case the funeral representative/director does not stop the funeral procession,
Hand-off or Carry (whoever is on the corner of the team closest to the approaching
vehicles) will use his/her outside hand to signal the vehicles to stop before they impede
the Pallbearers route.
19.2.3. When the car has stopped, NCOIC will ensure that the doors are open and that
inside of the vehicle the flag/urn are in the proper position.
Note: The urn needs to be
on the left side of the vehicle (Fold’s side) while the flag needs to be on the right side
(NPB’s side).
19.2.4. When NCOIC has received the head nod or verbal confirmation from the
funeral director that family is positioned for remains to be transferred to gravesite,
NCOIC will rejoin Pallbearers team.
Once NPB/NCOIC rejoins the Pallbearers, he/she will call command of
STEP”. This initiates the “hang step” to reposition the team behind the car.
Once the team has hang stepped and flanked, Mark, Cross Mark, Hand-off and
Carry will take three hang steps towards the vehicle and halt. NPB and Fold will also
flank in the direction of the hearse but will step off with normal arm swing on the next
available left foot.
When NPB has reached the bumper of the vehicle, NPB will give the subdued
command of “
Bumper”. NPB and Fold will then take three steps past the rear bumper of
the car and halt (no heel clicks) at the open doors to the rear seat.
NPB and Fold slowly turn to center on the car in cadence with one another.
NPB gives an eyewink and they bend over, into the car to retrieve the urn and flag in a
three-second cadence.
NPB secures the flag, pressed against his/her chest, left hand over right (left
middle fingertip over the right). Fold secures the urn with both hands underneath the
container (unless the container is an odd shape).
Note: If the urn has an inscription or
nameplate, the urn is carried with the inscription/name plate facing out away from
Fold’s torso so the family may read it. NPB will ensure that the tucked portion of the
flag is over the left side of his/her chest.
NPB and Fold will quietly confirm that they are both ready to stand upright by
saying “
Ready”. Together, they slowly rise out of the car. Fold holds the urn a fist
distance away from their torso with elbows bent no less than 90-degrees and at waist
level ensuring the urn is not resting against the body. NPB continues to hold the flag
pressed against his/her chest, left hand over right (left middle fingertip over the right).
NPB gives an eyewink and together with Fold, faces toward the Pallbearer
team and then automatically slide-step off on their left feet.
Note: All movements are
done in 3-second counts.
NPB quietly commands “HALT” one pace from Mark and Cross Mark. Once
halted, NPB and Fold automatically execute a slow three-count about face and remain at
NPB then commands “STEP”. The team performs a normal marching
cadence (suspended arm swing; do not pin hands to sides) and at close intervals to march
shoulder-to-shoulder all the way to gravesite.
Approximately 4 to 6 paces away from the urn table at gravesite, NPB gives
Fold a “nudge” against Fold’s right arm as a signal to split the team around the table (if
applicable). NPB will start to slow down his/her steps to slow down the rest of the teams
If no table is present to separate the team, NPB will “nudge” Fold and begin
to set the team at an arms length distance. NPB will start to slow down his/her steps to
slow down the rest of the teams steps.
Mark commands, “HALT” once they are centered on the table. Note: All
commands are in a normal conversational tone.
19.2.16. NPB commands, “CENTER”.
After the team has centered in facing each other across the table, Fold
ceremonially takes one step/turn and places the urn on the table.
Note: If the urn has an
inscription or nameplate, the urn is placed on the table with the inscription/name plate
facing the families seating position.
19.2.18. Once the urn has been set down on the table and Fold has returned to his/her
position across from NPB, NPB performs the
“Half Dress” sequence.
NPB extends the flag out (arms inverted, flag resting on arms, holding the flag
on opposite sides of the apex, palms up and thumbs/fingers together) with the 90-degree
angle pointing toward Fold. Fold takes the flag with their left hand on top and the right
hand underneath (palm up). Fold makes eye contact with the NPB to signal control of the
Fold brings the flag a fist distance of their body, level with the second button
of their ceremonial blouse. Fold and Cross Mark slowly turn towards each other (at the
hip) and Fold extends the flag out towards Cross Mark. Cross Mark meets Fold half way
taking the flag by the two 45-degree angles (horns). Cross Mark thumbs need to be along
the side of his/her hands. Cross Mark makes eye contact with the Fold signaling they
have control of the flag.
Cross Mark brings the flag within fist distance of their body, (level with the
second button of their ceremonial blouse) simultaneously turning toward Hand-off. Cross
Mark and Hand-off turn towards each other (at the hip) and Cross Mark extends the flag
out. Hand-off secures the flag from Cross Mark by the 90-degree angle with their fingers
together on top of the flag (thumbs underneath). Hand-off makes eye contact with Cross
Mark signaling control of the flag.
Hand-off brings the flag to their chest and performs the “Half Dress”
Hand-off extends the flag down to waist level and out toward Carry (“flap”
facing Carry). After the flag is extended out opens the “flap” (pulling the material down
toward the ground) facing Carry with his/her right hand.
Carry raises their hands to meet Hand-off with the flag. Once the flap is open,
Carry pulls out the end of the flag (white band w/rings). As Carry pulls out the band,
Hand-off turns the open end (flap) to the right. This material will draped over Hand-off’s
outstretched right arm, placing the folded corner edge in Hand-off’s right hand.
Carry unfolds the flag toward Mark. Hand-off places their left hand (palm up)
under the first portion of the flag unfolded by Carry. Hand-off’s left hand will support
the flag as it is being unfolded.
As Carry continues to unfold the flag Mark or Cross Mark (whomever’s back
is toward the family) gives an eyewink signaling the other to simultaneously raise their
hands to take the flag. Once Mark takes the flag, Carry takes the folded corner edge from
Hand-off with their left hand and supports the flag with their right hand underneath (palm
up). Hand-off holds the flag with both hands, fingers clasped in fists underneath the flag
(palms facing each other), thumbs on top, between the folded edges.
Cross Mark supports the flag with both hands underneath (palms up). Mark
continues the unfold process from Carry.
As Mark continues to unfold the flag NPB or Fold (whomever’s back is
toward the family) gives an eyewink signaling the other to simultaneously raise their
hands to take the flag. Once NPB takes the flag, Mark takes the flag corner edge in their
left hand (left hand placed on the edge of the blue field of stars) and supports the flag
with their right hand underneath (palm up). Cross Mark holds the flag with both hands,
fingers clasped in fists underneath the flag (palms facing each other), thumbs on top,
between the folded edges.
Fold supports the flag with both hands underneath (palms up) until it is
completely unfolded by NPB. Fold takes the end of the flag with their left hand, and the
other hand is grasping the flag, and NPB takes the folded corner of the flag with their
right hand, placing his/her left hand underneath the flag (palm up).
Fold has his left index finger underneath the corner “flap” of the flag.
NPB, Mark, and Carry pull out their support hands (that are underneath the
flag) in sync with Mark.
NPB slightly tugs the flag once with their right hand and the Pallbearers
perform the following simultaneously:
NPB “flares” the left hand and brings it across the flag to Fold’s left hand
(three-second pace) and grabs the flag. Fold releases folded-over corner of the flag in
their left hand to NPB.
Mark “flares” the right hand and brings it across the flag to grab the flag at
Cross Mark’s right hand (three-second pace). Cross Mark releases the portion of flag in
their right hand to Mark.
Carry “flares” the right hand and brings it across the flag to grab the flag at
Hand-off’s right hand (three-second pace). Hand-off releases the folded-over corner of
the flag in their right hand to Carry.
Mark or Cross Mark (whomever’s back is toward the family) will say
Ready, STEP” for the team. NPB, Fold, Carry and Handoff will take 1 side step
towards their respective ends of the flag. Mark and Cross Mark will take 1 side step
towards the head end of the flag.
Note: Simultaneously as the team side steps into
position, all members raise their hands to shoulder level (no lower than the top button
of the ceremonial blouse) and the middle portion of the flag is allowed to unravel and
drop into the “canoe” shape over the urn.
19.2.34. Note: From this point sequence is exactly the same as 7-person casket
19.3. 7-person Up and Face Sequence.
19.3.1. This command is given when transporting a Chaplain’s casket into a Chapel,
when the foot of the casket is nearest the team while in the hearse (casket in backwards)
and/or may be used at gravesite
only when it is impossible to gain access to the mock-up
over the head-end of the grave. NPB will determine when the scenario calls for the use
of this option. If possible, NPB shall inform the team prior to the start of the ceremony if
this technique will be employed.
Note: This sequence will not be used to ensure a
shorter carrying distance.
Note: If the casket is in backwards then positions on casket will switch permanently.
Note: If route to carry over head of gravesite is impeded the members will maintain
their positions but Hand-off will call commands until casket is on the mock up.
Note: Instead of turning steps being used, tugging the casket to “pop” the wheel will
be utilized to ensure proper path to gravesite.
Note: It is essential that everyone is trained properly on all positions. In this sequence
all positions will be switched, i.e. NPB position will now become Hand-off and Fold
will become Carry. Team members on the ends of casket that dry fired will not fire
during actual MFHs sequence. Cross Mark and Mark will maintain position on firing
After completion of behind the hearse sequence and Hand-off is in position at
the rear bumper of the hearse to remove the casket; NPB will command twice “
UP and
” instead of the numbers for turning steps.
Hand-off will repeat commands back to NPB and to rest of team as he/she
pulls remains out, stepping back in position. When back in position, Hand-off calls
command of “
Next, NPB will command “UP”. When the team has executed their three-
second head raises, NPB calls “
FACE”. The Pallbearers will face away from the hearse
in a three-second facing movement. Hand-off will takeover as NPB and call “
Once the team is within one pace of gravesite at the foot end of the mock-up Hand-off
will command “
HALT”, “CENTER”, “STEP” (side step onto mock-up), and “HALT”.
If Up and Face was utilized due to blocked path over head: Once the team is
in position, with the casket centered on the platform, NPB will take over as team leader
and command “
DOWN”. At this point, NPB is in command of the team for the duration
of the funeral.
If Up and Face was utilized due to casket being in hearse backwards: Casket
positions are switched permanently throughout 6-person flag fold and remainder of 7-
person sequence. Original NPB and Fold will now be members of Firing Party.